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Showing posts from November, 2013

Life goes on

Isn't it strange how people you've known only few days are better friends than people you've known for months?  How people you've shared your moments with become less important than people you've shared minutes with.  Isn't it strange how one's friends change?  It is indeed very strange how somebody I thought would be my companion for life is now sharing it with someone I thought they won't.  Life changes people change. Friends change and priorities change.  Well, no matter who comes and who stays, life goes on.  With love or hate, it goes on. Goes on.

Second chances

It's hard to understand what went wrong  Harder to understand why  Life chose you from the entire throng  To prove faith was a lie  For those who hold on to hope Maybe there is a way  To live life with a scope It gives you a second day  But those who know not  The serenity of waiting  Fail the life which offers a lot   When you start contemplating  Second chances can be a miss  Only if you decide to leave  Whatever you derive from bliss That is the crop you reap For good or bad in the universe  Have that one more moment  Sit calm and drag to reverse  No matter you cry or lament.  Second chances favour the lucky  Only if I could have one ounce of luck!

Bring back what once was mine

If love could bring you back, I'd love you eternally If smiles could bring you back, I'd laugh for you  If tears could bring you back, I'd cry a river If flowers could bring you back, I'd grow a garden  If a kiss could bring you back, I'd kiss your lips forever  If a hug could bring you back, I'd hold you the longest  If money could bring you back, I'd spend all on you  If she could bring you back, I'd beg her to  But only if my love could bring you back, I promise to love you eternally. 

Of love and lost

There's something about you What, I have no clue That keeps me in and out Of love and doubt Sufferings I endured with Let all that be just a myth Pray In happiness and sorrow Be my love for every tomorrow Deep inside glows a fire Of inexpressible erotic desire Fulfilment I long Amidst air of romantic song Let our bodies hum  And beat as a drum Dusk and dawn  In arms I want Never apart from me Forever in your heart, a plea.

Two bodies, One soul

She had the eyes  But he was her vision  She had the mouth  But he was her prayer She had the ears But he was all she could hear She had the voice  But he was her words She had the mind  But he ruled her thoughts She had the heart  But he was the beat  She lived her life But he was her lifeline.