Okay, so some may see this as Richi: The problem solver or the philosopher or a new adviser cum Guru on the social network. But I'm none. The following are life lessons that I've been subjected to over the two decades of my existence. You may choose to read or not, learn from them or not, but just know that, you needn't jump into fire to realise that it burns. So, read on! 1. Any relationship/friendship is similar to a little sapling. It requires more effort when it's young (new) and budding than when it grows into a full tree. Because then, it can take care of itself on its own. 2. When things go wrong, they won't turn right on their own. You need to make them happen. If things aren't as good as earlier, you need to initiate and make the move. They were spoiled by your acts, they will be improved by your acts. Nothing happens on its own, not ever. 3. The hype around life. Why do they have millions of quotes on life? Why do they have to teach you the do'...