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Showing posts from February, 2014

He's a different man

He's a changed man now  He's a different man now  He's a new person altogether  He's not someone I knew  He's not someone I had known  He's not what I thought  He's not what I wished  He's a changed man now  He's not my man now He walks differently  He talks weirdly  He smiles strangely  He laughs rarely  He looks different  He's lost his charm  He's lost his girl  He hides his feelings  He doesn't express openly  He has a different outlook He's found a new world He's found a new girl  He's not someone I loved  He's a monster inside  He doesn't look decent  He doesn't initiate  He's a different man now  He doesn't care anymore  He doesn't want it anymore  He doesn't love anymore  He's not someone I knew  He's someone I had known  He's no more interested in me  He's no more aware of me  He's not the perfect man  He's stopped being swee...

Better Single than Sorry

Walking down the aisles at Archie's gallery, gazing at various love objects such as Teddy Bears, Cupid idols, Love birds, Together forever frames, and other love-related shit; I finally ended up picking a Happy Anniversary greeting card for my parents. If this is not the torment of Valentine's day, then I don't know what is. No, the torment isn't buying an Anniversary card, it's the struggle to find general greetings amidst this store full of red hearts and love quotes that describes a world where love is measured by objects and not emotions.  If you choose 14th February to confess your feelings, that's not falling love, it's fooling in love. With due respect to Saint Valentine and Cupid, this day has become overhyped, overrated and over celebrated. How can you decide to pamper your loved one only on one day of the year and bestow all the love (pocket money) upon them?  Expensive gifts and flowers only provide the sellers with one week of good business and t...

An ode to ex-friends

" Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody."  This famous quote from the book, 'The perks of being a wallflower' dwells on the realistic idea of living a life. A happy life.  Most part of the saying is correct but I guess you shall all agree that even though friends leave, they leave an impression on our hearts and lives.  We are influenced by each person we meet during our lifespan. We are a bit of every person that we come across.  School, college, jobs, offices; we have friends everywhere. At an early age of 18 years, we are most affected by our peers. In ways that are good or bad.  It is a common scenario in schools these days, to see girls and boys fighting over meagre issues like Facebook posts, calls, messages, etc.  Take this example from pre-school days-  Kid: Ma'am, she stole my crayons. She's a thief.  Teacher: Maria, return her crayons right away.  ** 10 years later** Student: Ma'am, she stole my boyfriend. ...

Surviving the dreams.

I felt fragile under his hold, so fragile that I thought I would shatter into pieces the next second.  *** Have you ever wanted to bear a child at the age of 16? Have you ever had the chance to do so? What if you did have a chance? Would you? *** I had just turned 17 a month ago and could already feel the jitters setting in. Jitters of nearing adulthood, but was I ready yet? The answer never really kicked in. I was in high school when I met Kabir, the cute guy next door. Ever since, I had been imagining my future and a sweet parenthood with him. So much so, I wasn't surprised when I found myself craving a sight of him over the subsequent days. But we were not meant to be.  *** We had a stay back in school on one of the many afternoons during the winter of 2012. After the session got over, I decided to walk down from school to home. The distance wasn't as much as it seemed it was. Just as I was halfway through, I felt a tug at my ponytail and a gripping force at my belly which ...

In TopsyTurvy Land

The people walk upon their heads  The sea is made of sand  The children go to school by night In TopsyTurvy land The sea is made of sand  The sky sits below the ocean In TopsyTurvy land The boats sail on roads.  The sky sits below the ocean  The Fire puts out water  The boats sail on roads  A lot like in Harry Potter  The fire puts out water  The Trees grow from shoots A lot like in Harry potter  And veggies taste like fruits.  The Trees grow from shoots  The bud blooms from flowers And veggies taste like fruits Days and years seem like hours.