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Showing posts from 2017

Moving on, but not really

Am I over him yet? Maybe. Yes. I think so. Yes. No. Maybe. Let's see.  Every time my phone beeps, my heart skips a beat in the hope that it might be him.  Every time my phone rings, part of me wants the screen to display his number which by the way I still remember by heart even though I deleted it long ago.  Every time I become part of a crowd, my eyes wander trying to land on that one face I used to cup with my hands.  But I have moved on. I am over him. Right? At least that's what I tell myself every night before I go to sleep. And quite frankly, that's what helps me sleep.  Every time I see someone as tall as him, with a complexion similar to his, and a walk that reminds me of him walking away, I almost run toward the man only to embarrass myself and apologise for the intrusion.  Sometimes I even dream about him and wake up in the middle of the night startled because I can't tell if it was a sweet dream or a nightmare.  Every time I see a yo

Until I Met You

I was just a little girl   Going around the world   In two ponytails and pink shoes   No worries, no woes   Until I met you, I was just a little girl Going around the world   Singing my own songs   And dancing to my own tunes   Until I met you, I was just a little girl   Going around the world Sand in my feet, wind in my hair   And not a single care Until I met you, I was just a little girl Going around the world   Crossing rivers and climbing mountains   Unaware of the hurt that pains   Until I met you,   I was just a little girl Going around the world   Plucking flowers from the garden of life   Eating the fruit that wasn't really ripe   Until I met you, I was just a little girl Going around the world   Trying to understand it   Playing games that didn't involve the heart   Until I met you, I was just a little girl   Going around the world   With imaginary friend