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Showing posts from March, 2015

Things We Do When We Hate Someone

We have all been mad at someone or the other for some reason or the other but does that put an end to our love for them? Do we stop feeling the same for them? The answer is relative to the reason for which you’re mad at them. IF it is something that can be fixed, then the answer is NO, but surely when the damage done is irreparable, let’s take YES as the answer. People change, feelings change. Nobody can guarantee same behaviour throughout the course of a relationship. This is one solid ground for relationships falling apart. They say, "The opposite of love isn't hate. It is indifference." I am a true believer of these words but then again, sometimes, the next level indifference is called hate, or so I like to think. It's like they cease to exist for me, hence their role in my life becomes zero.   If I were to define hatred, it would be "absence of love”. It is a long ride to go from being mad at someone to hate them but there’s no looking back when you de...

Menstrual Menace - Every girl goes through it

I could no longer hold my urge to write on this 'sensitive' topic, more so when I, myself, was going through that time of the month. You know what time of the month is, right? Let's give it the status it deserves: MENSTRUAL PERIOD is what I am referring to. After having written and re-written this article a couple of times, I finally decided to make it public, not caring for what people might say. Initially, I was worried that guys might make fun of something which is 100% NORMAL and NATURAL to happen to the fairer sex. Enough of considering menstruation a taboo; it is time we all realised that this is as natural and humanly as breathing. Everybody knows about it, everybody talks about it. But not everybody goes through it. This is well, an exclusivity for females. Now that we've established what this piece talks about, I describe in vivid detail what it feels like to bleed every month and still not die. Period. (Literally and rhetorically speaking) 1. Sit. Stand. ...