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The Metro Peeps

Metro people: This is probably a new addition to the various categories of people that have been in existence since long. We discuss the types of people one can expect to find in the Delhi metro. Read on to know if you're one of them. 

1. Chalta firta DJ  
We all have come across this peculiar type of people who sway away to the tunes blurting from their exclusive skull candy headphones and pay no heed to the world around them. Their volume has not been set by limits and you can probably enjoy the same song without having to plug earphones. From London Thumakda to Bailamos, you can hear all genres of music, just tilt your head and concentrate a little.    

2. Thoda adjust kar lo na
"Excuse me, thoda shift kar lo."
The most familiar and commonly used phrase by the metro people.
If the entire row of seats is meant for 8 adults, don't be shocked to find a 10th one asking to adjust. And that's what Indians are best at, Adjusting. Thoda left, thoda right and bingo, you just earned yourself a foot's space to lay your big butt on. Congratulations, you've succeeded in causing trouble and discomfort to the fellow passengers.  

3. The Bibliophile
In this awfully crowded metro coach, I see this woman reading away to glory her fresh paperback version of Fifty Shades of Grey and I know it at once how much she wishes her sex life was half as good.  
Never mind, we have many other readers clutching tightly to their copies of 'I too had a love story', 'And the Mountains echoed', '2 States' among others. Keep it going, you all. We hope to launch a Metro Library soon! ;)  

4.Iss Network ki toh..  
Halloooo.. Haan.. Helllooooo.. Metro mein signal nahi aata.. Undergrrrrr...shit, not again! I wish expensive mobile phones came with guaranteed omnipresent services of mobile networks. So, next time you hear someone yelling hello's at the top of their voice, just believe that you could be in their shoes someday.  

5. The gawker  

The moment you enter the metro train, you'll probably find all eyes on you for a brief moment and then poof, the superstardom comes to an end. But there are those irritating people that make up for quite a proportion of metro commuters, who will gaze at you blankly and analyse your clothes head to toe. If you're a female entering the general compartment then only God save you from the glares but hell no, the women too, stare at fellow passengers like they've just arrived from Mars.  

7. Pretty women  
Perfectly straightened hair, fair complexion, big kohl eyes, Zara pants teamed with a top from Janpath and a first copy of LV bag. These kind of girls who could well have been a part of pretty woman song from Kal Ho Na Ho are a pleasing sight for the metro commuters. Their presence in metro makes you realise that it's not the apocalypse of beauty. Whew!

8. The love birds  
There's nothing much to say about this category of people. Hand in hand, eyes never leaving either's, standing too close waiting for the metro operator to apply brakes. *Ouch, sorry baby* (Secretly wishing for another brake, harder than before). This is a pretty common sight one is bound to come across during their journey. Oh, how can we forget the couples sitting on the nearly vacant stations clearly defining PDA. *not such an awwwww moment for passerby's *  

These were a few of the famous kinds of commuters that I have come across in my one year of daily travelling by the metro. Because people never stop to amaze me.  


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