The little things you do, making me smile that no one else could.
Our lives aren't composed of a few big things, they are composed of a million tiny things. This is probably the only situation where small and little things can make someone happy (pun intended). So, I pen down the little things that more often than not occupy the big spaces in my heart and life.
1. Good morning text
Something as simple as a good morning text can brighten my day. It is not just a text, but also an implication that you were the first person on my mind when I woke up. It's a nice feeling to be greeted by someone right in the beginning of the day. I equally like to send and receive morning texts to people who matter.
2. Making up after a fight
You know, a fight or argument isn't all bad if you can make up well after it. The sorting of issues and resolving problems make you realise how much you mean to someone, provided you know how to read between the lines and understand the unsaid. Because you only fight with people you care for. Who fights with strangers, anyway?
P.S The day I stop tripping and arguing, know that you've lost me.
3. Food
We love food per se and we love people who love food. But I love those people more who save me a bite of their food. It's a sweet gesture to leave a portion of your food for someone, except in cases where the food tastes not so good. Then, you're probably just being mean. This is a special reference to my ex who used to save me a portion of food that he knew for sure I'd like. And also my present day friend who saves me the last bite of food in accordance with a superstition that will get me handsome hubby. (What a sweetheart!)
4. Lying in mom's lap
No matter how old one gets, mom's lap is the only most comfortable place this planet has ever seen. No star rated hotel or luxury honeymoon suite can offer the same comfort as a mother's lap. The way she plays with your hair and you slowly fall asleep is only natural. After a long day at work, you might not want to lie in your wife's lap but your mother's, for the love and compassion is unmatched.
5. Walk with dad
Strolls with dads are best when it's just the two of you. Late in the night or early in the morning when you walk down a road with your father, discussing about life and shit, you know it's a feeling that nothing else can provide. The trust, understanding and the level of maturity shared between a father and his child only grows with such walks. With time, the walks remain more or less the same, only the talks keep changing. At any age, such a walk is highly appreciated.
6. An unexpected call from someone
There are two cases of things happening unexpectedly. Sometimes, what happens is the opposite of what you expected, thereby leading to disappointments. Other times, what happens is something you did not expect in the first place, mostly having positive consequences. An unexpected call or plan to meet people you had long forgotten can make your day.
7. Chocolate
This is applicable only to chocolate lovers for obvious reasons. Anything from a little eclair toffee to a death by chocolate donut can make my day. At times when I want to reward myself for something, chocolate it is. So, next time you are coming to see me, don't forget that bar of chocolate. I will love you even more.
8. Good night text
Quite like a good morning text, a good night text tells the receiver that they are one of the last few things on my mind before I doze off. Even if you go without talking to someone all day, good morning and good night texts signify that your day isn't complete without you thinking of them. My favourite kind of good morning message is the one I receive before I rise up and favourite good night is the one after I've slept.
Well, these things don't take much of effort, just a heartfelt gesture no matter how little or big is capable of making a person's day. Do not underestimate the power of little. Sometimes, little is a lot. Little is not always less. For a few of us, little is all we have.
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