You: (Sneeze)Oops! Sorry.
You: (Step on somebody's foot) I'm sorry.
You: (mourning over someone's demise) Oh Dear, I'm so sorry.
You: (someone broke up) Holy Shit, I'm sorry, bro.
You: (bump into somebody) Sorry.
These are well, just a few instances from our daily routine, when we utter the word sorry. Mind you, the word 'sorry'.
Things that happen accidentally or by mistake, where we have no intention of hurting the other person, we say sorry as a reflex. But what about the moments where we knowingly or unknowingly hurt the other person's sentiments, break each other's hearts, abuse our dear ones, disrespect our families. What about those? Do we say sorry or feel sorry as spontaneously? Even when we do say it, do we feel it?
It's a sad thing in today's world that it's easier to say sorry than feel sorry. It takes days and months, or even years for the realisation to set in, for the birth of guilt. At times, it takes a lifetime to realise what went wrong and why, to apologise for the things that you did or you didn't.
Sorry isn't just a way to express deep repent over your shortcomings or a way to empathise with the other person. It doesn't make you insignificant or worthless.
In fact, Sorry takes you to that pinnacle of humanity where you value the relationship more than your ego. Trust me, it's a beautiful view from the top. You can see your ego as tiny as a Limousine seen from the airplane window when in flight. It's that greatness you offer to yourself by apologising for the wrongs you committed. It's that one word against a thousand actions.
No wonder, it's takes a hell lot of determination and courage to apologise from the heart, but the consequences are mind blowing, you feel a burden off your shoulders.
And I believe, the forgiver is at an even critical position, for he has been hurt and disgusted. But let's remember what Gandhi once said, "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." Forgiving the other person is like gifting yourself the much-needed peace of mind.
As goes for me, I have apologised for times when I thought I was wrong and forgiven others when they were. Did it make me a smaller or a bigger person? Well, no. I still weigh the same, I'm still as tall as then, and I still love myself. So, my friend, do not over think it.
Be it for the class you bunked, the teacher you abused, the friend you ditched, the partner you left, the mother you disrespected, or the lie you told; If you feel sorry, say sorry and vice-versa. Be it a minute later, a few days later or years later, always remember that's it never too late to mend.
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