The candle still burns
The flame still lights
But oh, does it flicker
Stop the wind from blowing
Does it really matter?
For as long as the light guides me home
For as long as the heat keeps me warm
Does it matter if the candle goes out?
But hey, sooner than later it will
And then there won't be the same light tearing me apart
There will be light but the source won't be the same
There will be warmth but the provider won't be the wax
Let it burn, let it melt
Coz you won't ever know what I felt
The darkness shall disappear
I'll be able to see through it as clear
Damn, was it just a candle that burnt
And took with it more than the wax
Well, only if he had known how to save the flame
Given her a little life of his own
For she had the will to light
One blow of air, she was out of sight
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